Tuesday, April 19, 2005
  Fixed lens fun.
I've added another interesting article to the list over on the right hand side. It's a two-part article. The first bit outlines the differences between the original Olympus Mju-I and its successor, the Mju-II. The article then explains in simple terms why having a fast fixed lens has advantages over having a camera with a zoom lens. The big advantage is lens speed: the Mju's f2.8 lens lets in more light which is handy in low light situations, such as evening or indoors. And many of the great photographers, like Cartier-Bresson and others won their awards and did their work using a camera with a single lens. The Mju's normal-to-wide 35mm lens is not that different to what they used, although I must admit that a Mju with an f2.0 50mm lens would suit me even more. I've never seen a compact camera with an f2.0 lens, apart from Konica's Hexar, which isn't made any more and which is a little dear. And the Mju's faster shutter speeds make up for the fact that it's a slower lens. Dante Stella has a review of the Hexar on his site, which is always worth exploring.
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Mostly a blog about using an Olympus Mju-II (aka Stylus Epic). It's pronounced "Myu, myu" by the way. Site Feed.
Sister blog: 6cmx6cm - a medium format and toy camera blog.

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A medium format and toy camera blog.

Mjuser Tips

Buy two: they're cheap.
Put 100iso in one and 800/1600iso in the other. Use the first by day and the other by night. It beats compromising on 400iso film everywhere.

Use extreme film.
The Mju can handle anything from 50iso - 3200iso.
Become a night owl.

There's a spotmeter.
Use it.

Switch the flash off.
Flash can turn your subject into a victim.
Sometimes the camera doesn't even need it.
Use fast film instead.

Try black and white.
You can now get b&w film that can be processed in colour labs.

Have it on you.
Keep chanting that one...

Take your time.
The Mju is so good that you can use it like an SLR.
So take your time and compose your shots properly.

It's behind you!
Remember to look behind you as you walk along.
You could be missing a great photo.

RTFM: read the f... ine manual.
There are things you won't find out if you don't.
See spotmeter above.

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