Wednesday, May 10, 2006
  The English Market, Cork City, Ireland
I took this black and white photo from the Prince's Street entrance to Cork's English Market.

I'm from Cork. When I was a kid, this market was a dark, dingy place where people went to buy food at prices cheaper than the supermarkets. You could buy tripe, spare ribs, chicken, black pudding, fruit and veg, odds and ends. Customers were usually either the poor or people who were careful with their money. The ground seemed to be a sort of soft tar that had been ground into a dark substance over decades. Many people in Cork had their favourite stalls and might only go to the market to visit one market stall.

Nowadays, Celtic Tiger Economy days, the market has had a make over. The floors are tiled, the roof lets in light, there's a lovely cafe/restaurant upstairs. This is how it looks. If you visit Cork, go there.

Olympus Mju-II, Fuji 400CN (Chromogenic b/w film), handheld.
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Mostly a blog about using an Olympus Mju-II (aka Stylus Epic). It's pronounced "Myu, myu" by the way. Site Feed.
Sister blog: 6cmx6cm - a medium format and toy camera blog.

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A medium format and toy camera blog.

Mjuser Tips

Buy two: they're cheap.
Put 100iso in one and 800/1600iso in the other. Use the first by day and the other by night. It beats compromising on 400iso film everywhere.

Use extreme film.
The Mju can handle anything from 50iso - 3200iso.
Become a night owl.

There's a spotmeter.
Use it.

Switch the flash off.
Flash can turn your subject into a victim.
Sometimes the camera doesn't even need it.
Use fast film instead.

Try black and white.
You can now get b&w film that can be processed in colour labs.

Have it on you.
Keep chanting that one...

Take your time.
The Mju is so good that you can use it like an SLR.
So take your time and compose your shots properly.

It's behind you!
Remember to look behind you as you walk along.
You could be missing a great photo.

RTFM: read the f... ine manual.
There are things you won't find out if you don't.
See spotmeter above.

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